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Case Study 4: Holistic Management of Chronic Constipation and Allergies in a Child
Background: This case study focuses on a 5-year-old girl who presented with chronic constipation since infancy, along with allergies to dust mites and flower pollens. The child exhibited limited appetite, frequent stomach pain, and a tendency to drink excessive amounts…
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Case Study 3: Addressing Menopausal Symptoms and Anxiety
Background: This case study reports on a 55-year-old woman from Wollongong who presented with several health concerns primarily related to the menopausal transition. The client reported difficulties with concentration, experiencing hot flashes shortly after going to bed, and challenges with…
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Case Study 2: A Holistic Approach to Managing Chronic Health Issues
Background: This case study focuses on a 46-year-old woman from Saratoga who presented with various health concerns. She reported experiencing postnasal mucus most mornings, requiring her to cough to clear it. Sleep disturbances were frequent; she would wake after three…
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