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Check your email for login details
Please check your email for a message from Strong Mind Formula with all of your login details. If you don't see this email, please check your spam folder and white list this email to ensure you receive our notifications in the future.
Please note, your credit card or bank statement will show a charge by Strong Mind Formula or Serenity Lodge.
Where to start
Once you log in to the dashboard, click on the Strong Mind Formula Course image inside the Academy area to get started immediately. When you're inside the course, you will want to click the tab that says START HERE. You will want to listen to the audios and download your Introductory Guide PDF.
Login Page

Your login page is right here:
If you need any help, email our support desk at [email protected]


See you on the inside,
Fay Rayner

Disclaimer: The content and material presented are for educational and informational purposes only. The content should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. Any case histories presented are provided for illustrative purposes only. No express or implied guarantee of results is made. If you are currently being treated by a physician or other healthcare practitioner for any condition or disease, please consult with that provider prior to changing or modifying any medication treatment program.